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Message to Hellenic Society Prometheas

Hellenic Society Prometheas - Greek  in Bethesda MD

Hellenic Society Prometheas

(301) 229-9389
(301) 229-9389

About Hellenic Society Prometheas

The Hellenic Society Prometheas is a social and cultural not-for-profit organization established in 1978. Its goals are to promote the ideals of Hellenic culture both ancient and modern and to provide its members with a forum and mechanism to pursue matters of common interest.


Primary Office Location

pin 6506 Bells Mill Road Bethesda MD 20817

pin (301) 229-9389


Social Media

Facebook page for Hellenic Society Prometheas - Greek  in Bethesda
Message Hellenic Society Prometheas
(301) 229-9389