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Message to Hellenic Law Society of California

Hellenic Law Society of California - Greek  in San Francisco CA

Hellenic Law Society of California

(415) 945-5700
(415) 945-5700


Business Legal Non Profit
Practice Areas

About Hellenic Law Society of California

The Hellenic Law Society is a non-profit organization comprised of Hellenic-American and Philhellene attorneys in California who seek to foster community, fellowship, and professional learning among its members with an emphasis on Greek legal affairs, culture, and ancestry.

Our Society originally was formed in 1985 as an unincorporated association called The Hellenic Law Society of Northern California. In January of 2022, our Society incorporated as a statewide organization under the new name of the Hellenic Law Society of California, Inc.


Primary Office Location

pin 220 Sansome Street Suite 900 San Francisco CA 94104

pin (415) 945-5700


Social Media

Facebook page for Hellenic Law Society of California - Greek  in San Francisco Instagram page for Hellenic Law Society of California - Greek  in San Francisco
Message Hellenic Law Society of California
(415) 945-5700